Setup 7 Days Game Server on Docker

This post will show how to setup your own 7 days to die game server on docker using docker compose. About The game 7 days to die is set in a post-apocalyptic world overrun by zombies, 7 Days to Die is an open-world game that is a unique combination of first person shooter, survival horror, tower defense, and role-playing games. It presents multiple features such as combat, crafting, looting, mining, exploration, and character growth....

September 4, 2021 路 12 min 路 Ruan Bekker

Setup Docker NFS Server

In this post we will see how quick and fast it is to setup a NFS Server using a Docker container using the itsthenetwork/nfs-server-alpine image. If you would like to install NFS Server using a non-docker based deployment, you can have a look at installing nfs server on ubuntu. Overview On our host we will use the local path: /data/docker-volumes to mount inside the container to /data and expose the port 2049 from the container to the host....

August 14, 2021 路 2 min 路 Ruan Bekker

Speed up Maven Docker builds with Cache

This post will demonstrate how to speed up your maven builds using docker and buildkit as long as the docker build on the same docker host. Layer Caching With docker we know that order matters in a dockerfile, as each layer is cached, and therefore to optimise a dockerfile we set the dockerfile from least changes to most changes, as this example: FROMmaven:3.6.3-openjdk-15COPY . /appRUN mvn clean packageARG JAR_FILE=/app/target/*.jarRUN mv $JAR_FILE /app/app....

July 14, 2021 路 3 min 路 Ruan Bekker

Setup RocketChat Communication Platform on Docker

In this post we will setup a self-hosted open source communication platform called rocket chat on docker, using docker compose and we will secure our traffic with https using traefik and letsencrypt. What is Rocket Chat? RocketChat is a awesome self-hosted open source chat server. If you are familliar with Slack, RocketChat is a open-source alternative. Installing Rocket Chat We will be using Traefik to do SSL termination and host based routing, if you don鈥檛 have Traefik running already, you can follow this post to get that set up:...

July 7, 2021 路 3 min 路 Ruan Bekker

Setup Bitwarden Password Manager on Docker with Traefik Proxy

Today we will setup Bitwarden and Traefik Proxy on Docker using Docker Compose. We will make use of Letsencrypt for our SSL Certificates so that our communcation from the clients and server is secure and then we will install the Bitwarden Firefox browser extension to save our passwords for our web applications on Bitwarden password manager. What is Bitwarden Bitwarden is open source password manager, similar to Last Pass and makes it super easy to generate and store unique passwords for any browser or device....

June 23, 2021 路 5 min 路 Ruan Bekker