Setup Gitea with Woodpecker CI

In this tutorial we will setup Gitea as our version control system, and we will setup Woodpecker Ci (Server and Agent) to run our builds from a simple pipeline that we define in yaml, and the best is that our builds runs on containers. We will run these on docker and make use of docker-compose. What is Woodpecker Taken from their documentation: 鈥淲oodpecker is a simple CI engine with great extensibility....

April 13, 2022 路 5 min 路 Ruan Bekker

Setup Drone Server and Docker Runner for Gitea

Drone, a continiuous integration platform which is super close to my heart :heart: ! In this post we will setup Drone Server and Drone Runner for Gitea to run your Continuous Integration Pipelines, then we will setup a example pipeline, discover the drone-cli and how to extend our setup with more runners. The source code of this post is available in my github repository What is Drone? Drone is a self-service continuous delivery platform which is built on container technology and can be used for CI/CD Pipelines, and has one extensive list of plugins enabling you to run almost any workflow you can think of....

November 9, 2021 路 12 min 路 Ruan Bekker

Setup a Self-Hosted Git Service with Gitea

Gitea is a self-hosted git service written in Go, its super lightweight to run and supports ARM architectures as well, so you can run it on a Raspberry Pi as well. What are we doing today In this tutorial we will be setting up a self hosted version control repository with Gitea on Docker using Traefik as our Load Balancer and SSL terminations for LetsEncrypt certificates. We will then create a example git repository, add our ssh key to our account and clone our repository using ssh, change some code, commit and push to our repository....

October 22, 2021 路 7 min 路 Ruan Bekker