Single Sign-On with Authelia on Docker

In this post we will be looking at Authelia which is a authentication and authorization service using Traefik on Docker containers. We will explore how to secure our web services and use single sign on with multi-factor authentication. About From Authelia鈥檚 website: 鈥淎uthelia is an open-source authentication and authorization server and portal fulfilling the identity and access management (IAM) role of information security in providing multi-factor authentication and single sign-on (SSO) for your applications via a web portal....

March 26, 2023 路 4 min 路 Ruan Bekker

Using k3d to Run Development Kubernetes Clusters

In this tutorial, I will demonstrate how to provision a local development kubernetes cluster using k3d, we will define our cluster config with yaml, then deploy a basic hostname application to our kubernetes cluster, then clean up when we are done. What is k3d k3d is a wrapper to run a kubernetes distribution called k3s on docker, which makes it really useful for local or edge environments. So docker will be a pre-requisite for this tutorial....

March 7, 2022 路 6 min 路 Ruan Bekker

Setup RocketChat Communication Platform on Docker

In this post we will setup a self-hosted open source communication platform called rocket chat on docker, using docker compose and we will secure our traffic with https using traefik and letsencrypt. What is Rocket Chat? RocketChat is a awesome self-hosted open source chat server. If you are familliar with Slack, RocketChat is a open-source alternative. Installing Rocket Chat We will be using Traefik to do SSL termination and host based routing, if you don鈥檛 have Traefik running already, you can follow this post to get that set up:...

July 7, 2021 路 3 min 路 Ruan Bekker

Setup Bitwarden Password Manager on Docker with Traefik Proxy

Today we will setup Bitwarden and Traefik Proxy on Docker using Docker Compose. We will make use of Letsencrypt for our SSL Certificates so that our communcation from the clients and server is secure and then we will install the Bitwarden Firefox browser extension to save our passwords for our web applications on Bitwarden password manager. What is Bitwarden Bitwarden is open source password manager, similar to Last Pass and makes it super easy to generate and store unique passwords for any browser or device....

June 23, 2021 路 5 min 路 Ruan Bekker

Run Traefik version 2 on Docker

In this tutorial we will be setting up Traefik v2 as our reverse proxy with port 80 and 443 enabled, and then hook up a example application behind the application load balancer, and route incoiming requests via host headers. What is Traefik Traefik is a modern HTTP reverse proxy and load balancer that makes deploying microservices super easy by making use of docker labels to route your traffic based on host headers, path prefixes etc....

June 16, 2021 路 4 min 路 Ruan Bekker